Monday, October 20, 2014

Proper Use of Commas in Dates and Places

1313 Dreary Lane, Apartment 13

Bat Cave, North Carolina 21313
August 3, 2004

Dear Mr. Munster,

     On February 25, 1948,1 the communists seized Czechoslavakia and installed a puppet ruler in Prague.
     In 19532 television station WKGB began broadcasting from Cambridge, Massachusetts,3 and August 314 was the date of their first broadcast.

     Those are the dates, years, and months of those events.  I hope I've answered your questions to your satisfaction.

                                                                        Mr. Knowzit


1The year is set off in commas because the full date is listed in month, date, and year order.
2The year alone is not set off in commas.
3The state is set off in commas to separate it from the city.

4The date without the year is not set off in commas.

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