Monday, October 20, 2014

Prepositions and How They are Used

At, by, in, on, near, past, up with, below, above, among, beneath across, around, beside, inside, before, between, against, beyond, behind, over under, with, without, within, in front of, along.
By, to from, down off, through, up, out, past, about, along, after, between, against, behind, over, under, into, upon, throughout, out of, by way of
In, from, of with, for, about, above, beneath, against, before, over, under
By, on, to, from, through, along, throughout, by means of, by way of
For, like, as
But, but for, under, through, throughout, with, without, upon, on, from, because of, as to, beyond, over and above, according to, on account of, aside from
Relative to Time
At, by, in, on, almost, though, throughout, of, about, after, beyond, over, under, upon, over, within, in, subsequent to, prior to.

Here are a few prepositional phrases:
At the well.  near the house. He lives past the traffic light. It is located along the coast. Place it in the box [see Direction].
He passed by the market. He is coming from Canada [See Relationship].  Put it into the box [See Location]  He was walking about the park.
He is from Canada [See Direction]. Without friends
By way of analogy, along those lines, from what you say
For example, love is like a rose.
Manner or Condition
He rose above his humble beginnings.  Within this context, He thought about her.
Relative to Time
Within two weeks, beyond the year 2010, prior to 1968, about three o’clock

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