Saturday, October 16, 2010

Advertising and Marketing Mid-term Exam, Autumn 2010

     Your mid-term exam grades will come from what I see on your team's blog (company web site) and it will be based on how well you've learned the following lessons:

1. Fit for Competitive Advantage
2. Ideas that Create Value
3. Sell the Benefit!
4. Know Your Target Consumer
7. Core Competencies and Competitive Advantage
9. Brand Personality and Packaging
11. Cause/Brand Alliance

     Lesson 3, "Sell the Benefit," will not be found on this blog.  I have stressed "benefit" over and over in these classes, so you should know it by heart.  
     Remember that, whenever I've told you about the benefit that certain products promise, I've always used only a few words.  Often, I have described the benefit in only one word, such as taste, convenience, or popularity.  That's what you should be able to do.  Later in the year, when you create slogans for your products, your slogans should suggest the benefit of using the product.  
     Very few people will be willing to read an entire paragraph about the benefit of using your product.  If you can't tell the benefit in five words or less, you'll probably never be able to sell the product.

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